Monthly Archives: March 2014

additional work

Because I am so passionate about photography, fashion photography in particular, I took this opportunity to take some photographs while I was filming as an extra part to my project.  Here is a selection of the best photographs I collected on day 1 and 2 of filming.


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Final Film

After days of organising and repeatedly going over arrangements I’ve already created to change them I finalised my film.  I’m quite happy with the outcome and I’m pretty pleased with how my vision has turned out.  Of course I watch it and can still see things I could change but that would consist of a longer time frame to be able to do that.


Today I began my filming! I couldn’t wait to get out to see if how I imagined my shots would be the final outcome! Here are some photographs from day 1 of filming.


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shot list

My shot list for this project is very rough and not as specific as most peoples would be.  My shots depend very much on the location and weather.  I’ve set out most of the shots that I want in particular locations but I know I will have to adapt and change around some shots during filming.


storyboarding again

After researching the locations I tried to redo my storyboards properly with a better feel for what the environment and scenery would be like.  These are the main shots that I want and I have some more in my head that will depend on the weather on the day.

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3ds Max tutorials

Here is some of the tutorials we did during our classes.  the first tutorial was of bouncing balls.

This is the shadowing tutorial.


Smoothing Tutorial


cog animation

To conclude this brief, here is the video of my animation.  As I said previous, I’m not completely happy with my outcome for this project but I am happy that at least I know how to rig objects in 3ds max which I didn’t know before.


Building in 3ds max

Due to lack of time I’ve decided to start modelling my spinner in 3ds Max.  I began with the cogs and rigged them so they all moved together when one was turned.  After that I worked on the exterior sections of the spinner.  Over all I’m not happy with the outcome of my model because I know I could have done a lot more if I had of managed my time better.  I tried to add in the metal material and made the main body of the spinner’s material by multiplying an image of lace and rust over one another.

develdevel 2 devel 3


My idea for the spinner top is to have it wind up with cogs which make the bottom part of the spinner spin.  I was considering having the cogs on the outside of the spinner just below the key or to have them inside the spinner but the exterior of the spinner to be see through.  Here are some of my initial sketches to get me thinking.
